Posts Tagged ‘Chrystal methodists’

Propostion 8 religious bigots think it’s just great

October 30, 2008
The Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini gives his endorsment to proposition 8

The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini gives his endorsement to proposition 8

Zero percent, that  is their tax rate

Moral turpitude  they claim  to abate

Bigotry has fear as it’s running mate

It’s  biology and  destiny  that  they seek to conflate

“godless immoral sodomites” they choose  to  berate

That teachers will be forced to write about anal sex  on the blackboard slate

Convinced They’re on a higher moral plane  and they  brook no debate

Like  the next  Sodom and Gomorrah they bombastically  equate

hetero  marriage they claim  it .will destroy and  desecrate

Like  the next  Sodom and Gomorrah they will  try to equate

And a  knee jerk fundamentalist agenda they seek to dictate.

An authoritarian  theological oligarchy is what they desire  to create

And  pound Us over  the head with religion  like a  big lead weight

When they get those poor suckers dropping money in the change plate.

They say You  should be a  second class  citizen  unless you are straight

Want s to take us back to the middle ages but it’s too late

What’s dogmatic superstition  have to do with the choice of a lifelong  mate ?

Nothing , so that’s why  Californians  should vote NO on Proposition 8.

Little Jonny Ashbach should stuff it with a sock

July 13, 2008

In the Eel River valley lives a young scout named Jonny Ashbach

Who’s led  a short sheltered life with nary a hard knock

Hard won life experience of real working people he does mock.

What he serves up in the letters section is warmed over Bushite crock

Sombody please tell this ignorant little twit to stuff it with a sock!

Instead of going to school he was drilled in Old Testment schlock

And little Bible story stick figures that mamma drew for him in chalk

As she taught him that learning evolution was sinful as the red light district of Bangkok

Not to mention some old cliche talking points from her favorite hard right  radio jock

And how all same sexers. abortionists, blasphemers, and peacecreeps  deserve to get the perp walk


Around Planned Parenthood Jon loves to Stalk

Waving around gory fetus pictures intended to shock

 Says we need excess workers laboring around the clock

Catering to each and every whim of the chosen from the flock

Not to mention more cannon fodder for that righteous holy war in Iraq

I’ll  give you great odds to wager that young Mr. A. is a complete chickenhawk

And that he’ll bombastically continue to cheer from the safety of his own block.

Prays for armageddon around the  clock

He’s Just a know-it-all twerp who could test Dr. Spock

Will he grow up to be a santctimonious asshole?

I think It’s a lock.